Lady Business Pod: This Work Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere!

This episode we chat to Dr. Sagashus Levingston chats about creating a social movement into a company. Her company Infamous Mothers focuses on those women who share experiences deemed “shameful” in the mainstream. Her company incorporates tech, creative writing, and creating a Thrid Space empowering space.

“I created Infamous Mothers for extraordinary women on the edge of their sanity and innovation, women who are doing impossible things even after overcoming impossible circumstances and being written off as detestable and reprehensible because of past life choices. I knew that the world hadn’t yet found a way to serve women who come from unimaginable circumstances just to rise above them to do unimaginable things. So I created my company with a mission to inspire, grow, create community for and promote the self care of those very women while also educating the ecosystem that shapes their lives.” -Dr. Sagashus Levingston

Infamous Mothers Website

Infamous Mothers Facebook

Infamous Mothers Instagram