Lady Business Pod: Educating and comforting through plushies!

In this episode we chat to Dr. Ronak Mehta, creator of Nerdbugs! Nerdbugs was created by combining my two favorite things- my love for puns/terrible jokes and my love for medicine and teaching about the human body. Naturally, I decided to combine both my loves and create soft, obnoxiously adorable organs that I sell on the internet. As my day job as a physician, I feel privileged to have the opportunity to make an impact on someone’s life. With Nerdbugs, I feel so grateful to be able to this on a larger scale and in some small way help impact the lives of strangers all over the world by helping bring some sunshine into their life while they may be going through the rougher patches in life. I feel as if I get to be apart of people’s stories all over the world which is pretty neat.


