Help Our Comedy Community: Donate To #FunnyWomenCare Fund

We hope you’re all staying well and physically distancing. We want to spray you all with Lysol and hug the heck out of you once we’re able to.

With that said, this has been such a hard time for those of us who take the mic for our full time, part time or even very part time jobs. We continue to try to make you laugh while grappling with our own frailty and humanness. If you are in a place to help we’d love it if you could donate to this fund. If you’re not please share so that we can get the word out.

#FunnyWomenCare @LadyLaughsComedy @ILoveFunnyWomen

or venmo @ladylaughscomedy with #FunnyWomenCare

If you’re a comedian or creative who is going through it please let us know how we can help. As we proceed forward and begin to fill the fund, we’ll be allocating funds based on need as equitably and easily as possible. If you need food, personal supplies and aren’t able or comfortable leaving your space please let us know and we’ll work with our partners to ensure that you get what you need.

Please submit your requests below

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Funny Women Care”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”What is your situation?” type=”select” options=”I am a supporter of Funny Women,I am a Funny Woman/Person in need,I just have questions”][contact-field label=”If you’re in need, is your need…” type=”select” options=”Financial,Food or Personal Care Needs,Other”][contact-field label=”Please ask your questions or tell us about your need as specifically as possible.” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]